Learning in Mind: Podcast

A podcast about the learning and instructional applications of mind, brain, education science in K-12 classrooms.

In this episode, I’m talking to Tricia Underwood - Owner and Academic Coach at Rare Bird Learning in Atlanta, Ga who spends most of her time with 13-19 year old students who may struggle with executive functioning, motivation, organization, time management, and other necessary school /or life-dependent skills. Today, I will be speaking with Tricia about executive functioning beyond calendar systems, planners, and time management. 05/07/2021

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In this episode, I’m talking to Morgan Potts - Teacher and Learning Specialist at The Paideia School in Atlanta, Ga who spends a lot of time thinking about how learning research can drive our work with students in our classroom. Today, she’s going to share the key tenets of effective feedback protocols based upon that research. 04/07/2021

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In this episode, I’m talking to Steff Feinman - Teacher at The Paideia School in Atlanta, Ga who was directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, she’s going to share how she turned remote learning into a personalized and individualized learning experience for her students by considering cognitive science principles, often referred to as mind, brain, education science, to make learning within reach. 03/12/2021

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